The following is an excerpt from Chapter 6: Prioritizing Trustworthiness in the book Holy War for True Democracy.
The design of the trustworthiness platform outlined above will be protected against attempts to commandeer, abuse or corrupt. It is critical that the founding members are considered good and trustworthy with their management of DG. Thus, the founding members need to have a diverse but representative set of philosophies on government and politics, with a balance between Left and Right. But even more important is a convincing history of being able to always put the True Democracy ideals described in this book ahead of their own political views.
But even if the founding members have some imperfect participants, the system will discover and purge leaders who are not performing as required. Other leaders and other members will be obligated by their vows to expose the problematic people in positions of power and appropriate reassignments will take place.
The trustworthiness platform has protections against an overwhelming onslaught of new members who might want to take over the platform by attempting to outvote the true members. As stated earlier, new members start off with the equivalent of zero trustworthiness and can only gain real voting power by contributions that are evaluated by higher level members. An unusually large number of new members will be noticed and the existing members will be on guard.
Thus, the culture of DG will start with trustworthiness and absolute fealty to vows at its very core. Strong culture can benefit both the organization and the people in the organization. [13]