The following is an excerpt from Chapter 6: Prioritizing Trustworthiness in the book Holy War for True Democracy.
An Internet identity represents an actual person or organization that has a presence on the Internet in the form of material such as articles, blog posts, audio, video or social media posts that capture that person’s statements and opinions about government and politics.
Examples of Internet IDs are politicians, spokespersons, news organizations, pundits, experts in particular domains and business leaders. Even many normal people without any celebrity will have Internet IDs, sometimes because that person is a member of DG and every member must have an Internet ID.
Basically, anyone who is in the DG cloud database (usually, because they are members of DG or their trustworthiness is being judged by some member of DG) will get an Internet ID. Each person or organization with an Internet ID will have a profile that contains the following information:
- Name(s) by which the person or organization is known, including nicknames
- Public email, twitter handles, other public social media IDs, blogs, websites and any other Internet IDs. LinkedIn will be valuable in certain countries.
- Biographical info, preferably with details such as near ancestors, birth, schooling, professional life and for what the subject is most well-known, if anything
DG will pursue Web search technology that can crawl through the Web and build a database of Twitter handles, email addresses, Facebook pages, website URLs and many other things that might represent a person or organization. Then, when it’s time to create a new profile, the DG app or website will auto fill the fields in the profiles to speed the process of filling out the profile. DG members would manually review and correct.
A by-product of the above technologies will be a world-class database of Internet identities (people and organizations) which will allow for future technology initiatives and revenue generation.