The following is an excerpt of the chapter summary section from Chapter 1: Has Democracy Lost Its Fervor? in the book Holy War for True Democracy.

The first chapters highlight what is at stake and the urgency of the problem:
Chapter 1 – Has Democracy Lost Its Fervor?: Warning signs are flashing red. We cannot be complacent and take democracy for granted; otherwise, a strongman will emerge and convince enough of us to willingly surrender our freedoms.
Chapter 2 – An Age-Old Conflict: Highlights threats to democracy today (early 2017), and then takes a step backward to show that government institutions are always evolving – often: out with the old, in with the new.
Chapter 3 – Threat of Big Brother: Identifies the biggest threats to democracy which have the greatest potential to move us towards the dystopian future described in George Orwell’s “1984”.
Chapter 4 – True Democracy: Offers the author’s definition of a true democracy. Then, looks at democratic systems throughout history and where they’ve fallen short of truly representing their citizens.
Chapter 5 – Holy War: A call to action to fight for True Democracy with fervor. It lays the groundwork for the principles a truly democratic society should strive for and why passion is critical.
The next two chapters provide concrete proposals for human and technological solutions:
Chapter 6 – Prioritizing Trustworthiness: Begins with a study on trust in society. Then it presents a specific plan to promote trustworthy information on government and politics by setting up a crowd-sourced trustworthiness online service that leverages modern social media techniques to pressure politicians, government representatives and the media to publish the whole truth and nothing but the truth, unbiased and without distortion.
Chapter 7 – Towards a True Democracy: Describes Democracy Guardians (DG), a nonprofit that would administer the trustworthiness initiative. DG would also take on other initiatives to fortify today’s representative democracies and move the world gradually towards true democracy.
The last chapter provides final thoughts:
Chapter 8 – Conclusion – Calls to Action: Concludes with a summation of what we need to do to make democratic self-government survive and thrive well into the future.